Sometimes, it feels like it’s the influencers’ world and we’re just living in it. Influencers are, well, influencing pretty much everything we do — what we buy, what we eat, what shows we watch… and the list goes on. And while this does feel like it’s getting a little out of control now and then, there are a lot of benefits to influencer culture, too.
For one thing, there are seemingly infinite influencers in the fitness space who are out there providing us with plenty of inspiration to get up and get moving. Some yogi influencers, especially, will help get your wheels turning with yoga workout plans… but we’ve got an influencer on this list for everyone!
Here are a few of our favorites to follow…
Let’s Start With Some Food for Thought
There are many important conversations happening in our world right now, and social media is a great place to keep those going. It’s also a great place to educate yourself about issues of race and social justice.
Danielle Coke (@ohhappydani)
Danielle’s feed is full of thoughtful captions and informative graphics that will make you more motivated than ever to become socially active. Her content is super shareable, too, so you can spread the love.
Tabitha Brown (@iamtabithabrown)
Tabitha’s Instagram bio calls her the “World’s favorite Mom” — and for good reason. On a daily basis, she gifts her followers with advice and wisdom to help them manage all of life’s ups and downs. She also shares vegan recipes and her everyday fashion.
Brittany Packnett Cunningham (@mspackyetti)
Brittany is an activist, educator, and writer. You might recognize her from your TV screen, too, since she is a regular contributor to both NBC News and MSNBC. If you want to connect with her on a more regular basis — and we think you probably should — Instagram is a great place to go.
The Conscious Kid (@theconsciouskid)
Anyone can benefit from the race education that The Conscious Kid shares on IG, but parents of young children may find it especially informative. Looking for ways to connect with your kiddos about anti-racism and the Black experience? The Conscious Kid has got your back.
Rachel Elizabeth Cargle (@rachel.cargle)
Now more than ever, it’s important that we all step up and figure out how to better communicate about race and racism. Rachel Elizabeth Cargle is generously providing her followers with the tools to do that on Instagram.
Rachel Ricketts (@iamrachelricketts)
When it comes to the awesomeness of Rachel Ricketts, if you know, you know. And if you don’t know, then it’s time to get on board! Rachel uses her feed to share information about racial justice and spiritual activism. She offers food for thought for all of us! Oh, and she does yoga — so you might even consider stealing her yoga workout plans.
The Best Fitness Influencers
Grab your mats and move that bod! These influencers will give you lots of ideas to help keep your workout regiment going strong.
Noelle Benepe (@noellebenepe)
You know what we really love about Noelle? She just gets our vibe! She’s a fitness trainer who always seems to be pulling out her mat to make time for exercise around a busy life that includes parenting and no shortage of personal commitments. We totally feel that… and we’re pretty sure you will, too. Follow Noelle for full-body workout plans and plenty of glimpses of her adorable son.
Elisa & Eve (@yensisters)
As you might expect from its handle, this feed is run by — yep, you guessed it! — a pair of sisters. Elisa and Eve are living that LA wellness lifestyle, and their antics on the yoga mat are sure to inspire all of your yoga workout plans, whether you’re a long-time yogi or trying your first-ever beginner yoga workout. Also, you’re going to want to be their new BFF. We definitely do.
Aubry Marie (@aubrymarie)
Aubry Marie shares about so many aspects of the yoga world on her page, from meditation and Breathwork to partner yoga and acroyoga! Oh, and in case you ever questioned the fitness and health benefits of power yoga, you may be interested to know that Aubry is also a veteran of American Ninja Warrior. You’re going to want to get your hands on her yoga workout plans.
Deja Riley Izydorczyk (@dejariley)
We don’t know about you, but this photo alone makes us think we need a little of whatever she‘s having. Meet Deja Riley Izydorcyk, who introduces herself to followers as a “fighter, mover, and motivator.” If you find yourself constantly in need of that extra boost to get up and get moving, you’ve definitely found your girl.
Brett Hoebel (@bretthoebel)
We love to remind you of the many benefits of yoga workouts for men, and our pal Brett Hoebel is here with reinforcements. He’s a yogi, athleisure entrepreneur, and a trainer (who you might recognize from The Biggest Loser — cool!). He’s got plenty of expertise and experience to share with you as you develop your own yoga workout plans.
Taylor Johnson (@taylorjyoga)
Boulder-based bulldoggers may recognize Taylor Johnson as one of our awesome class leaders in the Colorado studio, but she’s sharing her yoga special sauce for people everywhere over on the ‘gram! Check out her feed for fitness inspo and photos of her rockin’ yoga poses in all kinds of beautiful places.
Morgan Raphael (@bun_undone)
In this particular photo, Chicago-based wellness enthusiast Morgan Raphael is showing off some go-to arm workouts, but her feed will have you feeling more excited than ever to tackle every aspect of your wellness plan… including your yoga workout plans. Morgan shares the perfect blend of fitness, self-care, and healthy eating — and she’s not afraid to indulge in healthy desserts, which we really love about her.
Lamise (@lamise)
Just looking at Lamise’s Instagram page makes us feel simultaneously chill and crazy excited to grab our yoga mats. She’s a yoga teacher, a mom, and a writer, and her captions will offer you a lovely dose of accessible wisdom that make her beautiful yoga pics that much cooler.
Laura Novotny (@laurajulaine)
Do you struggle to figure out how health and fitness can fit into your daily life? Laura Novotny can help! Watching her build her strength while also working as an accountant will have you feeling ready and rarin’ to go to work out a custom yoga workout plan that will put you in tip-top shape.
Ally Trout (@ally_trout)
You can find pretty much everything you need to know about why we love to follow Ally in her Instagram bio: “Award-winning writer, accomplished yogi, gifted comedian, horrifically lazy, considerable liar.” Sure, it’s the yogi part that guarantees a significant dose of workout inspo, but it’s her fearlessness to be real with her followers that keeps us coming back for more.
Pedro Luna (@yogimemes)
Can we get a praise hand emoji for this meme? (It’s nice to be reminded that we’re not the only ones who love doing yoga at home in our pajamas.) You won’t find any yoga pics on this feed, but it’s chock full of LOL-worthy content that will have you giggling your way through your yoga workout plans.
Alex Callahan (@alexcallahan4)
Here’s another member of the bulldog studio family! Like Taylor, Alex is a class leader at our Boulder location, and we couldn’t be happier that she’s sharing her personal yoga journey over on IG. We might be a little biased, but her feed is objectively beautiful. You won’t be disappointed!
Our Favorite Healthy Eating Influencers
There’s no better way to round out a regular workout routine than with a balanced diet. These influencers share their personal approach to a healthy lifestyle through food.
Erin Lives Whole (@erinliveswhole)
Erin describes herself as a “creator of real food recipes” and as a lover of champagne and green juice. You know we’re all about balance around here, and nothing says “balance” like a champagne/green juice combo! Check out Erin’s feed for endless healthy dessert inspiration, but be warned — it should not be scrolled when you’re hungry.
Rachel Ama (@rachelama_)
If you ever find yourself feeling stuck when trying to come up with wholesome, yummy meals to eat, Rachel just might be your new go-to girl. As you work through sessions on your yoga workout plan, you’re going to need to fuel your body. This feed is here to help!
Cameron Rogers (@freckledfoodie)
We know all too well that eating healthfully doesn’t always feel easy… but NYC-based Cameron sure makes it look that way. Her goal is to make healthy living approachable. What’s not to love about that? She also has a very cute dog, which obviously doesn’t hurt.
Caroline Ginolfi (@plantbasedblonde)
Maybe you’re living that plant-based life. Or maybe you can’t imagine your life without hamburgers in it. Either way, Caroline’s expertise as a wellness coach and mouth-watering food pics will get your wheels turning about the changes — big and small — that you could make to your diet.
Jeannette Ogden (@shutthekaleup)
What’s not to love about a ‘grammer whose handle is a pun and who makes delish-looking treats like these energy balls? Snacks like this are a fantastic way to keep you feeling good while you knock out sweat sessions in your yoga workout plan, and Jeannette’s love of movement will help get you moving, too.
Rachael (@rachaelgoodeats)
You don’t have to be a certified wellness coach to make healthy changes to your own routine. Rachael uses her Instagram to make “green plates cool again” and to refocus “on what it means to enjoy food and find balance.” That’s a mission we can really get behind.
And Our Fashion Favorites
Once your yoga workout plan has you feeling your best, you may feel inspired to switch up your wardrobe! Check out these (totally relatable) influencers before you start shopping.
Ashely • Fancy Ashley (@thefancyashley)
Hungry for a whole lot of fashion with a side helping of bright colors and wine? You don’t want to miss out on what’s happening with Fancy Ashley! Based in Texas, Ashley embraces fun and accessible fashion and will make you feel like you’re talking to your bestie through her captions.
Stephanie Taylor Jackson (@stephtaylorjackson)
We’re so excited to introduce you to Stephanie! She shares about everything from style and travel to beauty and everyday life on her IG page. She’s one stylish mama! Need something fun to scroll through while you catch your breath during a tough workout? We highly recommend this feed.
Living In Yellow (@livinginyellow)
This blogger doesn’t try to take fashion too seriously. For her, it’s all about making clothes fun! If you’ve ever looked at your closet and just felt stressed, her energy might be just what you need. She’ll give you plenty of ideas for accessible style and may even give you some ideas for purchases to make to reward yourself for working hard on your yoga workout plan!
Linsdey (@themotherchic)
Mom of four Lindsey somehow manages to find time to pull together rockin’ looks on a regular basis. She’ll make you want to do the same! Also, we’re pretty sure that you’re going to want to be a member of her family. We’d love to be invited over for dinner!
Parenting Thought Leaders
We know there are plenty of parents out there in the bulldog community. Here are a few of our fave mommy bloggers and ‘grammers. We highly recommend that you give them a follow.
Brittany \\ Loverly Grey (@loverlygrey)
Brittany’s home and personal style might make you think that you’re looking at a magazine when you’re scrolling through her Insta feed, but she’s also a mom, sharing the truth about her daily life and making other mamas out there feel less alone in the process. Check her out for posts about family life, decor, and how to keep it cute in parenting.
Hollie Woodward (@holliewdwrd)
Hollie is a mom to three girls and a lover of all things beauty. When you check out her page, you’ll feel almost immediately like you’ve become besties, and you’ll wish more than anything that you could meet up with coffee for her to chat all things family and motherhood. Thanks to social media, you can get a taste of that simply by following her on Instagram!
Jean | Extra Petite Blog (@jeanwang)
Does this picture melt your heart? There’s more where that came from. Follow Boston-based blogger Jean for a peek into her life as a mom of one (almost two!), plus plenty of fashion and food inspiration, too.
Ashley Chmelka (@ashleychmelka)
Somehow, Ashley manages to make mommin’ in NYC look easy! It’s almost impossible not to smile at the snapshots she shares of the adventures she has with her two sons. She’s also very into beauty and wellness, so she totally speaks our language.
Melissa Metrano (@melisfit_)
Yes, Melissa is a supermom to the adorable Izzy, but as you can probably assume based on her handle, she’s also a fitness enthusiast! She’ll give you plenty of parenting moments along with motivation for a new yoga workout plan. Go say hey!
Holly (@blessed_by_brynn)
Holly is a mom of two, a teacher, an animal lover, and a self-described Tex-Mex fanatic. She also happens to love hitting the yoga mat! Holly shares a little bit of everything on social media. We feel pretty confident that the parents out there will feel like they’re doing life right alongside her simply by following her on the ‘gram.
Feeling motivated?
Try out online classes with free custom yoga workout plans