You may already be familiar with singer, songwriter, and New York Times bestselling author Patti Smith — but who needs her? We have our own Patty Smith! (That being said, Patti-with-an-i, if you’re reading this — you are also pretty cool.)
Patty is a force of positivity and good vibes around here, and we’re proud to be shining a spotlight on her this month. Read on to learn more about what activates, invigorates + exhilarates Patty, as well as how she defines each word. Patty — you rock, never change.
What activates me (to activate: to turn on or start): My daily meditation practice. Setting aside a few minutes every day to practice gratitude and awareness teaches me about myself, others, and the world we live in. It is the foundation for invigoration and exhilaration.
What invigorates me (to invigorate: to give strength or energy to): Trying my best to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Every day, I commit time for some type of physical activity, and it always gives me fuel. I enjoy yoga, strength training, or going for a vigorous or leisurely walk outside while appreciating nature. Making healthy eating choices also gives me strength and makes me feel well.
What exhilarates me (to exhilarate: to make someone feel very happy or animated): Life and all of its endless opportunities and blessings. Spending time with my four daughters — Jamie (23), Anna (22), Molly (17), and Chloe (16) — and my boyfriend Frank is what makes me happiest. My bulldog Peach is an animated angel in disguise who makes me belly laugh every day. Listening to music, reading a book, or being able to lead others through an activating or invigorating yoga practice also bring me great joy.
Check out our class schedule to find out when you can practice with Patty in the studio next!
***You can get the bulldog experience anywhere, anytime with our online classes. Of course, Patty’s there! Don’t forget to subscribe to the bulldog blog so you can get e-mail notifications about every new post.***