We know there’s a lot of content out there competing for your attention, bulldoggers.
When you’re not busting your butt to be the best you can be at work, or attending what seems like 273 youth athletic events in a weekend to support your kids, or trying to grab a hot minute for some alone time with that good lookin’ person you live with… what should you be watching? Reading? Listening to? We’re here to help. (Classic us, right?)
If you decide to wind down by plowing through the backlog of Dr. Phil episodes on your TiVo because it brings you total happiness, then go for it — but it won’t be because we’re not scoping out potentially lesser-known, possibly more refreshing options for you to check out.
A podcast that’s recently crossed our radar is The Lively Show, and we’ve become a little addicted. Jess Lively is a world traveler, career entrepreneur, serious follower of her intuition, and totally real pursuer of fulfillment. She’s not so into the traditional models of success, and last year she sold all of her belongings and gave her dog to a neighbor (that part is hard for us to talk about, but we’re trying to get past it) so she could take a solo adventure around the world, Eat Pray Love-style. Yes, people actually do this IRL, and it’s pretty awesome.
Jess’s podcasts over the past few years have been a mix of interviews with creatives, refreshingly honest discussions about work and life, and slightly more soul-searchy monologues about various theories on happiness. She’s passionate about pretty much everything she does, and if that’s not the bulldog way, then what is?
Here are a few episodes we recommend to help get you hooked, including a few more recent installments and some greatest hits from years past:
#115: How to Get Clarity, Embrace (Good) Fear & “Play Big” In Our Lives
#146: Why I Sold My House & Furniture (And Now Live Out Of A Carry-On)
#164: Simple + Difficult, Easy + Complicated
#186: Things I’m Afraid to Tell You
#204: What I Do to Get Into Alignment
We could go on and on about our favorite episodes and the ones you just have to hear, but honestly, you’ll just want to check it out for yourself! Enjoy!
Oh…. and as if we could’t love Jess more — did we mention she does yoga?
What podcasts would you recommend to the bulldog family? Tell us on Facebook + Twitter!
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