We feel like we’ve got a lot of good stuff going for us around here.
We have an amazing community, the opportunity to exercise and take care of our bodies, and the time to jump in on dance parties every now and then. We’re also pretty grateful for good snacks and cute dogs to cuddle with and those fluffy slippers we like to wear around the house. Yeah, we’ve got it pretty good.
Given all that goodness, we like to make it a priority to do a little community service whenever we can. In between 90-second planks and Warrior 2s, we try to give back… especially because the communities we’re part of are so very awesome.
The bulldog yoga crew at our Boulder studio is coming out hard with giving back to the community lately. Keep scrolling to learn more about some of the things they’ve been up to. Maybe they’ll inspire you to seek out similar give-back opportunities in your own town or city!
Humane Society Classes: You already know that we love dogs (and doing yoga with dogs, duh), but who says you have to be a dog person or a cat person? The two are not mutually exclusive, and we have love for all of the furry friends around here. This summer, the Boulder studio is partnering with the Humane Society of Boulder Valley to teach — wait for it — kitten yoga classes. We’ll give you a second to catch your breath, because we know that the mental image is cute enough to throw you. All of the proceeds from the classes will go toward vaccinations and other veterinary expenses necessary to help prep cats for adoption.
Local Donations: Boulder bulldogs are doing more than just looking fly when they buy swag from the studio. Every month, the Boulder team is committed to contributing 10 percent of all retail sales to a local charity. In April, the benefactor was the Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence. In May, the benefits will go to the Humane Society of Boulder Valley. (Have we mentioned that we’re animal lovers? Just checking.)
Community Outreach: Along with other local neighborhood spots like WonderPress Juice Bar and Topo Designs, bulldog Boulder is working to unite residents and get them out supporting local businesses! Hopefully, these efforts will bring more bulldoggers into the crew, making it that much easier for us to come together and make a difference for causes and organizations (and animals) that matter to us as a group.
How do you give back in your community ? Tell us on Facebook + Twitter!
***You can get the bulldog experience anywhere, anytime with our online classes or via our app (App store | Google Play) — and make sure you check out our full line of bulldog swag, too! Don’t forget to subscribe to the bulldog blog so you can get e-mail notifications about every new post.***