Let’s be honest, Boulder yoga studios tend to be fairly predictable. You know exactly what you’re going to get. The same old background music, repetitious poses, and mainstream instructors.
That’s fine if you’re the type of yoga student who just wants to approach yoga from a serious standpoint, and not add any excitement into the mix.
Sure, the majority of yoga studios in Boulder will help you accomplish your goals, but they might also make you feel like you’re just going through the motions… which will most definitely not be the case at Bulldog Yoga, one of the few Boulder yoga studios where you can achieve your yoga objectives and have loads of fun in the process.
Wouldn’t it be great to find a yoga studio where you can achieve all of your yoga objectives?
Maybe even work in a little more fun and movement?
Well then, you’ll love this…
What makes this Boulder yoga experience different?
Ever thought you could enjoy your workout instead of just get through it?
Well, that’s exactly what we wanted to create.
A place to get a great full body workout and have an awesome time doing it!
It’s pretty much like mixing traditional yoga flows into a fun cardio workout with jammin’ tunes for motivation.
Oh, and it can get a little hot. All classes are heated to 92 sweat-tacular degrees, unless noted otherwise.
One of the biggest differences you’ll notice about more cardio-focused Boulder yoga classes is that these classes are accompanied by bass-bumping music which ranges from hip-hop to EDM and all the way to old school rock!
Once you discover the power of music, there’s no looking back. Great tunes teamed up with a great full body workout routine.
As Beethoven once famously said, “Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life.”
Here at Bulldog Yoga, we warmly agree with that sentiment, and for that reason we have a musical playlist prepared for each specific type of class.
This allows our participants to fully appreciate both the spiritual and the sensual part of their yoga Boulder experience.
Sometimes you just need to switch it up.
Benefits that go along with switching up your workout
Whereas most yoga studios in Boulder emphasize only the spiritual aspect of the yoga practice, we like to include both aspects, so as to provide a fuller, more dynamic experience to all our guests.
And it doesn’t matter if you have been doing yoga for years or you have never actually done a hot yoga class in Boulder before.
Wanna give it a try? Only $25 for 25 days
Yoga classes for beginners all the way to advanced poses
Our Boulder yoga studios offer yoga classes that are comfortable for both beginners and experienced yogis.
Bulldog Basics will walk you through the basic yoga techniques all the while listening to music which will enhance your mood and add enjoyment to the class.
We’ll even break down the common yoga poses used, but don’t wait until your next yoga Boulder class.
Here’s our team demonstrating how to do a proper Chair Pose.
If you’re a little more advanced, you may want to enroll in our Exhilarate Class, which will challenge most participants with greater physical requirements. You’ll also be using more advanced poses and more difficult breathing techniques, that will help you to meet those physical challenges.
We can help evaluate your progress, and recommend the right class level for you, so you aren’t bored and are satisfied with the level of enjoyment you’re getting from your full body workout.
Regardless of the level of yoga which you’re presently at, you’ll find just the right level for you at Bulldog 🙂
There are many classes to choose from that will help initiate you into this wonderful world of enjoyable yoga in Boulder.
How often should you do yoga?
The frequency of your yoga practice depends on a lot of factors.
One being which of the Boulder yoga studios in your area best fits you.
These can be what you want to accomplish for health and wellness and your abilities.
With full body yoga workouts, we always like to recommend that you feel out how your body feels.
Seriously, listen to your body!
It’s all about figuring out your style and the intensity you prefer.
A minimum of once a week is a good start, and as you get more comfortable with yoga, you can increase your frequency. Some people get up to doing yoga, and even hot yoga, every day of the week!
There are a lot of predictable benefits of regular yoga workouts like increased flexibility and added muscle strength but here are 10 Benefits of Yoga That Make The Workout Totally Badass from Shape.
Regular practice, whether it’s once a week or multiple full body workouts, is important to get the full benefits of yoga in Boulder.
If you only do yoga every now and then, your body won’t start to change the way it does with regular practice.
So as you start doing yoga to achieve your health and wellness goals, it’s a good idea to develop a schedule and stick to it. But if you’re new to Boulder yoga, don’t try to do too much too soon. If you do, you might get discouraged and not keep up with it.
Easing into more frequent practice will help you become more comfortable with yoga and learn the poses so that you can build your practice.
As your flexibility improves, your overall yoga Boulder experience most likely will as well.
Use yoga for flexibility boosting
Yoga encourages your body to go through every possible range of motion, and that will eventually contribute to your overall flexibility.
Yoga is a full body workout incorporating in many different poses there are some forms of hot yoga which will definitely make you sweat like this kind of yoga.
In fact, many people notice a 35 percent increase in their flexibility after only eight weeks of regular yoga practice.
When you go through these cardio-infused yoga Boulder sessions, greater stretching of muscles and joints will allow you to move into specific poses more deeply.
When you do this to your body, you achieve even greater benefits from the yoga workout. In addition to a great sweat.
The more you test the limits of your body in these kinds of poses, the greater the flexibility benefit you’ll gain.
We’re all about embracing progress over progression.
But just remember to breathe…
Breathing techniques you’ll use
There are a number of different breathing techniques used in yoga, and some will depend on your level of expertise.
- One fun breathing technique is known as The Lion’s Breath, and this involves inhaling deeply before leaning backward and exhaling loudly – while sticking out your tongue.
- The Breath of Fire is a great breathing method used for warming up your abdominal muscles.
- The Skull Cleanser is similar to the Breath of Fire, but places greater emphasis on the exhale, including a raised-arms motion to the process.
- Three-Part Breathing is great for relieving anxiety, stress, and insomnia, and it’s a great way to end your yoga Boulder session.
- Alternate Nostril Breathing is just what it sounds like, and calls for breathing through only one nostril at a time. This one can be used when you’re trying to achieve greater focus, because you really have to pay attention to remember where you are in the process.
Here’s a really cool breathing exercises guide to walk you through some of the top breathing techniques.
Now, in…. and out…
Yoga for weight loss benefits
Image by TotalShape.com
Did you know that yoga is incredibly effective for weight loss?
Especially hot yoga.
There are several ways that yoga can be used to assist with weight loss. First of all, achieving greater mindfulness through yoga can help you more become more aware of what your body really needs in terms of ingesting foods and drinks. That will help you to become more selective, and to avoid foods with little or no nutritional value.
Yoga can also help you to sleep better, and that is also a high contributor to weight loss.
People who have a better night’s sleep, don’t wake up feeling weak or disoriented, which often leads to eating more than is necessary.
A 2016 study also suggests that people who develop mindfulness through a yoga practice may be better able to resist bad foods and unhealthy, habit-forming comfort eating. They may also become more in tune with their body so that they don’t overeat.
Engage calorie burning
Yoga has also well been for contributing to weight loss through calorie burning. The most active, fitness-fueled forms of yoga are the ones which are best for losing weight, and these include power yoga, vinyasa, and ashtanga.
Any of these three forms of yoga will keep you moving almost constantly, and that’s terrific for burning calories.
In addition to the constant movement, when you start making this full body workout more incorporated into your lifestyle you will develop strong muscle tone, and it will provide a boost to metabolism.
With the level of your metabolism increased, so will be the efficiency of calorie burning.
Now engage that calorie burning!
The power of meditation
First off, we recommend finding your own form of meditation.
What best works for you.
If anything, over the last several decades, stress levels have been on the rise.
It happens for many people that even when they’re ready for bed, they can’t unwind from the stresses of the day.
I mean, that’s what Boulder yoga studios are for, right? 😉
But, when you take those stresses and anxieties to bed with you, you really don’t get a restful night’s sleep. That means you’re not ready for the next day.
Meditation will allow you to retain images for longer periods of time, and it will help you process information more efficiently. People who are able to achieve high levels of meditation, routinely experience higher levels of creativity and intuition along with a host of added health benefits.
Being consciously aware in the present moment, without judging your experience is how you should enjoy your workout and life in general.
This is referred to “Mindfulness.”
If you’re not aware, here’s a complete guide on the art of mindfulness to fill you in along with some top traits mindful people do differently below.
When the mind wanders, it has a tendency to focus on negative issues, which generate stress. When a person meditates, those stress levels are reduced, because the mind is actively engaged.
Now, throw another person into the mix.
Yoga poses for 2 people you might want to try
Did you know that yoga can be very fun for two?
Yoga positions for two can be great fun, while also providing a tremendous benefit to both participants.
Here are our 5 favorite yoga poses for 2
1) The Boat Pose for Two (above)
Begins with the two partners facing each other in a seated position. Each one grasps the other’s wrists, and with knees bent, they press the bottoms of their feet against the souls of their partner’s feet. Both partners will then try to straighten up their legs, and move slightly forward, into the shape of a “W”.
2) The Seated Cat/Cow Pose
A very popular yoga pose for 2 people that begins with both people sitting cross-legged and facing each other. Both persons reach out and take hold of the other’s forearms, inhale deeply, and rock back and forth, before arching their backs and lifting their heads skywards.
3) The Seated Spinal Twist
This begins the same way as the previous pose, except that participants have their backs facing each other. Each partner will then cross their arms and take hold of the other person’s wrists. One partner twists to the right, pulling the companion in that direction, and then the partner does the opposite so that both directions are covered.
4) The Bound Angle Pose
Starts with both participants sitting back to back on a comfortable mat. One partner then bends forward while keeping knees bent, back straight, and hands grasping the feet, with arms outside the legs. The other partner then leans against the partner’s back, with their chest extended, knees bent, arm spread out, and feet together. Both partners breathe for a while in this pose, and then they switch positions.
5) The Yab Yum Pose
Which means ‘mother-father’ in Tibetan, and starts with the stronger partner sitting cross-legged on a mat. The other partner must then sit on top of the first partner’s thighs, with ankles crossed behind the back of the partner on the mat. Both partners must keep their backs straight with foreheads touching, and breathing in unison.
Check out these other great Yoga Poses for 2 People.
Come experience something different from those traditional Boulder yoga studios
Most Boulder yoga studios have a somber vibe, and their guests may feel pressure to be super serious.
That’s not what we’re about!
At Bulldog, we try not to take ourselves too seriously, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t get the most out of every yoga Boulder session.
Whether your goal is to get a good stretch, to get more in touch with your inner self, or to be challenged in a yoga workout, we have the right class for you.
Our goal is to make yoga more accessible to more people. It doesn’t have to be a deep, mysterious activity that only mystics can practice!
We want everyone to enjoy the powerful benefits that come with regularly participating in yoga.
Yoga is about a strong commitment to improving your overall health
We’re all about creating a supportive environment, positive vibes and providing an uplifting energy to help all members enjoy the experience.
At Bulldog, you’ll enjoy your yoga sessions to the beat of fun, carefully curated playlists.
And we can be a bit silly. We like to keep it loose.
Totally new to Boulder yoga studios? Or just need to switch it up?
You may want to enroll in Bulldog Basics, which is a great way to dip your toe in the water, to see what yoga is all about, and to find out what’s in store for you at higher levels.
In an Activate class, you can expect to have your workout accompanied by calm but energetic music to wake you up and get your blood pumping.
If you’ve chosen an Invigorate class, your workouts will be characterized by even more energetic music, which will get you to aerobic-style exertion and leave you glistening… at the very least.
Exhilarate classes are an additional step up. In these classes, you’ll be challenged with an even more intense workout!
Which class type is best for you?
***Check out our Lifestyle Blog that isn’t only about yoga 🙂
Can’t make it in? Get the bulldog experience anywhere, anytime with our online classes – or – via our app (App store | Google Play)