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You could call me a hip hop nerd. I’m definitely sipping the Ye Kool Aid, because I love Kanye West. I think he’s a genius, totally revolutionary… the biggest influence on hip hop ever.
bulldog is the first studio where I’ve ever really felt comfortable. It was such a good surprise. I felt so welcome in the studio and I love how involved bulldog is in the community. I’m leading fewer classes now than I once was, so I want to spend my time at a studio that feels like home, where I can build strong relationships with my fellow leaders and with guests.
Between the ages of 18 and 22, I competed in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and when I was 21, I broke a rib while training. To rehab my broken rib and stay in shape, I started practicing yoga with a DVD every day at home. I only competed for another year before I decided that I wanted yoga to be my number-one fitness activity.