Labor Day weekend is upon us, and with it, the end of summer. We’d like to spare you the dramatics, but we simply can’t. Summer rules, and at the risk of being immature, we think that saying goodbye to it totally drools.
With just a few days left to make the most of the official summer season (and to wear white, of course — unless you’re a rule breaker like us), we’re here with one simple message that we hope will inspire you this holiday weekend… and always:
Staying on the trail is usually a lot easier than the alternative — and we’re not saying it can’t be fun. Following your friends to the usual Labor Day BBQ and kicking off the fall season with a pumpkin spice latte is cool. You know what to expect, the company is good. A burger off the grill and a PSL (not together, of course) are also pretty delicious. The proverbial trail is often comfortable, scenic, or yummy. Sometimes, it’s all of the above.
That trail, however, lacks some serious excitement. And if you’re being bulldog, you’re not interested in anything that lacks excitement.
Staying off the trail is about throwing your own kind of party. It’s about being a host, instead of simply showing up as a guest all the time. It’s about making a statement with some awesome music, letting loose on a dance floor of your own making (perhaps throwing a headstand into the mix?), and welcoming this next season with a beverage that celebrates traditional fall flavors without being a totally expected PSL (for inspo, check out this awesome list of drink recipes from Vogue).
OK, so maybe our Labor Day weekend analogy feels a little… small. But here’s our point: on any day of the year, whether you’re celebrating a holiday with friends or throwing a party or simply going about your daily routine, there’s a great big world waiting off the trail. And you get to visit that world when you make peace with the fact that doing your own damn thing is more than OK. In fact, we’ll bet you one million dollars (this is a figure of speech, mind you) that once you step off the trail, you’ll inspire your friends to follow. Suddenly, a new trail will exist where you were once the sole defector.
You better not stay on that one for too long, either.
How will you stay off the trail this weekend and beyond? Tell us on Facebook + Twitter!
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Trail image: Holly Mandarich/Unsplash