We’re hardly the first to say that yoga builds physical strength. Studies have proven the positive effects of a regular yoga practice, and the fitness and medical communities have come on board, too. To them we say, “Welcome! We’ve been waiting for you! Have you noticed how fit we are?” Anyone who’s held a chair pose or high plank for an extended period knows just how much yoga engages your muscles and builds your strength.
At bulldog, we try every day to take an extra step beyond just being “strong.” #bulldogstrong is its own kind of power, and our amazing community practices it both in and out of the yoga studio. Here’s how we can all work on living the #bulldogstrong way:
…by taking risks of all sizes that allow us to live above our fears (experimenting with a challenging new workout? no sweat. sky diving? we’ve got this!)
…by showing up for ourselves and others — on the yoga mat, at the office, visiting with family, or even at happy hour with friends!
…by being vulnerable with loved ones so we can improve our relationships with them (and even with ourselves!)
…by having confidence in what makes us who we are (who wants to blend in?)
…by looking at the world with a positive and loving perspective
We want to be RESOLUTE in our pursuit of bulldog-style strength — to follow our dreams purposefully, persistently, tenaciously, and unshakably (even when our muscles are shaking at the end of an intense yoga class!). As a bulldog family, we can support each other’s journeys toward becoming #bulldogstrong, which makes it that much easier to be RESOLUTE along the way.
Coming soon on the blog, we’ll be featuring members of our community who are being RESOLUTE and living #bulldogstrong. Do you or someone you know have a story to share? We’d love to hear it! Send us an e-mail at [email protected].