Whether you’re totally new to bulldog yoga or have spent time with us at the Villanova studio and are simply new to the blog (how cool is this?), we’re so happy to have you! We’re excited to use this space to share even more good stuff with our community — whether you’re looking for recommendations for podcasts that will change your perspective, seeking out some extra positive vibes on a “meh” day, or wondering what goes on behind the scenes at bulldog, you’ll be able to find it here.
As you may already know, we’re about a lot more than good yoga at bulldog (and we mean really good yoga). Keep reading to learn more about our other passions — you’ll find resources on all of these topics here on the blog moving forward!
- Enjoying life. Between busy work schedules and packed social calendars, we all have limited time — and it’s important to use that time in a positive way. We believe in keeping an upbeat attitude and seeking the good in every situation. When you approach the world around you with the intention to enjoy it, you’ll really start living your best life.
- Having fun. We also want to see you get proactive about pursuing the activities and experiences that make you crazy, deliriously happy! Hang out with friends, jump on a trampoline, travel the world – whatever makes you smile big and laugh out loud.
- Staying fit. The team at bulldog loves to break a sweat because we know the long-term value of taking good care of our bodies. We’re building a community that supports healthy living — and has a great time doing it.
- Enjoying music. If you’ve ever been to our studio, you know that we LIVE for an incredible playlist — but even outside of yoga class, your life deserves its own soundtrack. We want you to explore new music, to turn up the volume on your favorite songs, and to add in a few dance moves when it feels right (even if it’s not actually right).
- Relishing the little details. We all have a lot of distractions, and it’s easy to tune out of the special moments in our daily routines that could bring us so much happiness if we simply noticed them. Let’s help each other pay more attention to all of the meaningful minutiae!
- Everyday inspirations. When we focus more on life’s little details, we realize that there are seemingly ordinary people all around us with fascinating stories and serious wisdom to share. We can also find inspiration from a great book, a funky poster, or even the witty quote written on the chalkboard at our favorite restaurant!
Are you new to our community, or have we met before? Either way, we want to hear from you! Introduce yourself on Facebook + Twitter!