5 Instagram Feeds to Inspire Your Best Home Workouts

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best home workouts

Who says that your options when working out at home are limited to basic crunches and push-ups? Not us! If you’re looking for your best home workout ever, there are actually tons of possibilities.

Ready to shake things up with your own at-home fitness regimen? Look no further than Instagram! Whether your goal is to do more strength training, support weight maintenance, or simply to practice more self care, these feeds will get you motivated for your next home workout. 


This feed gives you exactly what you might expect from its handle — a collection of exercises from people all over the world who are searching for the best home workouts, just like you! It’s curated from hundreds of ‘grammers chasing everyday fitness goals and dealing with relatable health challenges.

And also like you, they can reap the health benefits of fitness with the best home workouts on the Internet! 


SELF has long been a source of great wellness content, and Instagram makes it that much more fun. In addition to the best home workouts (that are also accessible!), you can scroll through for motivational quotes and LOL-worthy memes about the challenges of staying fit. 

If nothing else, SELF’s feed will make you feel a little less alone as you pump yourself up for your next home workout. 


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AB WORKOUT!! 💞🤰🏼 I’m 17 weeks pregnant today and I am making sure to get my core strengthening exercises in (and modifying where I need to!) because there are so many benefits to a strong core during pregnancy! 👉🏼These moves are modified for my body during pregnancy but are also super effective if you’re not expecting as well! 👇🏼 1️⃣ Standing Side Crunches x 30 seconds 2️⃣ Table Top Knee Lifts x 10 reps 3️⃣ Table Top Extension x 15 seconds each side 4️⃣ Plank (you can stay on your toes if this feels good for you if not come to your knees) x 40 seconds 5️⃣ Side Plank x 20 seconds 6️⃣ Side Crunch x 10 reps 🔄 Repeat 5&6 on other side 7️⃣ Elevated Alternating Toe Touched x 20 reps 8️⃣ Elevated Toe Touches x 15 reps Benefits: ❤️ Having a strong core can help alleviate pressure & pain on your back ❤️ Ab strength can help with labor, delivery & recovery ❤️ Working out more importantly makes you FEEL good and is encouraged when you’re expecting! 🤰🏼💕👉🏼 These ab exercises are safe and effective for me but make sure to always consult with your doctor before starting any exercises during pregnancy. You may need more or less modification than me! Xo Melis – #abworkout #abs #secondtrimester #pregnant #expecting #pregnancy #momtobe #fitnessmotivation #prenatalfitness #workout

A post shared by Melissa Metrano (@melisfit_) on


If her IG feed is any indication, Melissa Metrano is a fan of dogs, travel, and yoga. Are we already BFFs? (For the record, we’d love to have her party with us in a bulldog online class.) 

Between beautiful pics of Melissa’s travels and dreamy shots of her hangin’ with her husband, you’ll find photos of her practicing yoga at home — which may serve as a kick in the you-know-what next time you’re debating whether or not to pull out your own mat and get an online power yoga class streaming. 


You might be more familiar with POPSUGAR for their beauty and celebrity content, but we love what they’re putting out there in the fitness space, too. There all kinds of people showing off their wellness and workout regimens on this feed, which will get you feeling inspired to chase your best home workout no matter where or who you are. 

(Those yummy-looking recipes don’t hurt, either. We are always in the market for healthy dessert ideas!) 


Look — we’re not going to be humble here. If you’re really looking for the best home workout out there, we’re pretty sure we’ve got what you need. Bulldog’s Instagram feed is a healthy mix of bulldog motivation, pics from our studios, and real-life stories from bulldoggers who are changing the game with home power yoga workouts. 


the best home workout appAlso on YouTubeHelpful Bites & the Most Common Questions Answered


Tune in to find out how members of our community juggle kids, pets, and all kinds of other real-life distractions in order to squeeze in the best home workout wherever they are with online yoga classes

Want more specific direction on how to get the best home workout? Follow along with one of our online classes, anywhere you go! Check out bulldog online

Featured image: Daria Nepriakhina/Unsplash

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