There are a lot of aspects of life where having a routine is absolutely the best bet. Sticking to a consistent schedule really comes in handy when you’re trying to regularly get your best full body workout, keep a large family organized, or self-impose an earlier bedtime. Doing things the same way, at the same time, every day is known to play a big role in upleveling the day-to-day for so many people.
But there are times when routine isn’t so great. And while we’ll advocate for it all day long in certain situations, we also want to encourage you to step out of the same old, same old when the moment is right. Your music line-up, for instance, can — and will — get stale if you allow yourself to make too much of a routine of your playlists. And when your playlists get stale? Other things may also start to feel stale.
If you’re anything like us, your music is a constant presence in your life. It’s the backdrop for almost everything you do. It drives your mood and keeps you motivated, revives your energy when you’re feeling down, and gets you up on your feet for the occasional spontaneous dance party now and then. When you think about it that way, it seems almost ridiculous that you wouldn’t mix your playlists up on the reg, don’t you think?
Everyone’s entitled to their favorites, but this summer, we encourage you to get out of your usual music routine, and to throw a few of our recent jams into the mix. You’ll be amazed by how different (in a good way!) the rest of your routine feels when it’s up against a fresh soundtrack. Keep scrolling to check out a few musical highlights from our studio playlists over the last few weeks. If you like what you’re seeing (and hearing), you might even consider going even more musically rogue by exploring the rest of our playlists on our Spotify channel.
What song are you most looking forward to blasting this summer? Tell us on Facebook + Twitter!
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Featured image: Simon Noh/Unsplash